AGP Eglass Energy study

AGP eGlass Belgium is building a brand new production line of windows for the automotive sector in the old buildings of the Alinso site in Zwijnaarde.


AGP eGlass




36455 m²

Study period

12/2018 - 02/2019


Feasibility studies & energy plans



AGP EGLASS - energy study

AGP eGlass Belgium is building a brand new production line of windows for the automotive sector in the old buildings of the Alinso site in Zwijnaarde.


The glass is delivered and is pre-processed, folded, glued together and finished in several steps to produce windows with specific properties and locations for attaching components (camera, rain sensor, windshield heater ...). Their main customers are TESLA and BMW.

Industrium carried out the energy study as part of obtaining the environmental permit.

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The plant covers an area of 36,455 m² and consists of two production buildings; one building for the high-voltage transformers, one building for the raw materials and one building that will serve as a warehouse for the finished products.